Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Polar Express Day

KK had a busy and fun Polar Express Day! We read the book, created a kindergarten train, watched the movie, enjoyed popcorn & hot cocoa, plus more! 

Winter Party Fun!

KK had a great time at their Winter Party. Thanks to all the grown-ups who stopped by and helped make it a success!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Creating With Flat Shapes

Students worked on putting flat shapes together to create a new shape. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Properties of Shapes

Students had fun exploring properties of solid shapes. We tested which shapes can roll, slide, and be stacked upon itself. We used a sphere, cone, pyramid, cube, and cylinder. Only the cylinder could do all 3!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Visualizing With Poetry

This week we started our new reading unit which focuses on visualization. We listened to a poem "Cats" and students drew what they pictured in their head. Afterwards we took a walk around the room to see notice similarities and differences among all of our friends' illustrations. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Turkey Day Fun!

After reading one of my favorite Thanksgiving stories, Turkey Trouble, students were challenged to disguise turkey so he wouldn't get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. These turned out so great and KK had fun sharing their work with each other. 


Comparing Shapes