Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Pennies for Pies

 Thank to all who donated! The PTO raised over $800 and one of our own KK students was lucky enough to have their name drawn to throw a pie!

Trying Out OB's New Robots!

 KK was lucky to be the first class to get to test out our new Indi Sphero Robots. Mrs. Bradley did a great job making them predict, analyze, and problem solve! Lots of video 's are in the May album!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Chalk Artists

KK flipped another countdown card and earned chalk time! Students had fun playing tic-tac-toe, making hop scotches for their friends to do, and just drawing.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Flashlight Fun

Today's countdown card to summer card said "Flashlight Fun". Students loved buddy reading using flashlights!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Building Shade Structures

 Students worked hard to build a structure to keep Mr. Bear in the shade outside.

Comparing Shapes