Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Polar Express Day

To celebrate the end of the 2nd quarter, Kindergarten had Polar Express Day. We read the book, snuggled up to watched the movie, and had hot chocolate & popcorn. It was a great way to end our first semester together.

Winter Party

 KK had so much fun playing games and making crafts at our Winter Party. Thanks to all who were able to come and help out!


Friday, December 8, 2023

Osmo Fun!

KK is so excited to have begun using our Osmos. We have learned Words, Numbers, and ABC's. These apps are a fun way to reinforce and practice skills. 


This week we read the poem, "It Fell In The City." There were no pictures so we had to listening carefully and picture in our head what was happening. We did our best to draw our visualizations then took a gallery walk to see what our friend's drew. It was fun to find similarities and differences! 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Continents and Oceans

 This week, students learned that our planet is made up of land and water. The water are called oceans and there are 5 of them. The pieces of land are called continents and there are 7. Students enjoyed finding them using globes and maps.

Show & Tell

 Students were so excited to share their special items from home. It was a fun way to learn more about one another!

Comparing Shapes