OB kindergarteners are so lucky that our coaches took the time a few years ago to write a grant for bikes and helmets so they can learn bike riding skills and safety during PE. They were having so much fun!
Welcome our classroom blog! Here you will find important information, schedules, and photos and videos of KP students as they grow, learn, and have fun at school!
Friday, January 6, 2023
This week we read the poem, "It Fell In The City." There were no pictures so we had to listening carefully and picture in our head...
To celebrate the end of the 2nd quarter, Kindergarten had Polar Express Day. We read the book, snuggled up to watched the movie, and had hot...
KK is so excited to have begun using our Osmos. We have learned Words, Numbers, and ABC's. These apps are a fun way to reinforce and pra...